[공통] [BK/친스] 해외석학 온라인 세미나 안내 (10/12화)

황혜주l 2021-10-07l 조회수 950
BK 교육연구단/친스에서 개최하는 해외석학 온라인 세미나를 아래와 같이 안내합니다.

■ 일시: 2021년 10월 12일 (화) 17:00

■ 접속링크: https://snu-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/83677877525 (Zoom ID: 836 7787 7525)

■ 발표자: Jonas W Ringsberg, Professor (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden)

■ 주제: Challenges in sustainable shipping and utilisation of the oceans’ renewable energy – UN’s Decade of Ocean Science

■ 초록: UN have decided that 2021 to 2030 will be the decade of the oceans. Without the oceans, our planet will not survive in the long term. We all need to think carefully if what we do today is sustainable and what consequences our actions today will have for future generations. The lecture presents two research areas that are highly relevant and important for protecting and utilising our oceans.

The first part of the lecture presents aspects of sustainability with an emphasis on the Arctic. It includes the concerns in the UN IPCC report published in August 2021. Some consequences of marine transportation by commercial ships in the Arctic are highlighted and discussed. The Arctic, one of the essential Polar regions on Earth, is more important to humans than most people know. The Arctic plays a vital role by help balancing the climate on the Earth. The white ice reflects some of the sun’s rays back into space, helping to keep the Earth at an even temperature. Sea ice also helps to regulate the movements of warm and cold water around the oceans. Global warming has resulted in less ice in the Arctic, which has opened the opportunity to use the Northern Sea route between Europe and Asia. Is it sustainable to take the route, and if it will be used more in the future, what demands can we have for ship voyage planning and routing? The lecture presents a novel voyage planning and routing tool developed in the H2020 EU project SEDNA. 

The second part of the lecture presents renewable energy production from waves. We have an almost unlimited asset in waves, i.e. our oceans contain large amounts of stored energy. Since oceans cover 70% of the surface of our planet, there is an almost unlimited “free” resource of wave energy. The lecture will give an overview of concepts and technologies that have been developed to harvest wave energy. Economic and technical challenges will be discussed related to how the levelised cost of energy (LCoE) can be lowered. Examples of simulation procedures and models that can be used to analyse WEC systems in different project stages will be discussed, followed by Experiences from a selection of studies.


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